Roll, Play! Dice Learning Games

Inexpensive, easily portable and with endless possibilities for games, dice are an essential in the educator’s toolbox. They are adaptable for differing ages and abilities and transcend language barriers.

A small tub full of dice is relatively cheap, light to carry and has endless possibilities!


Last year, I had a wonderful experience supporting with some refugee children from Afghanistan on their first days in a school in Bristol. A boy, about seven years old was wary of joining the other children; he stayed at the back of the class and took his time to observe the class and get his bearings. Finally, I engaged him through rolling large dice together. Without any shared language, we soon established a simple game that whoever rolled the highest was the winner. Soon we were exclaiming our triumph or disappointment in our own languages, learning numbers and most importantly, sharing smiles and laughter. It got me thinking about the potential of dice for play and learning and interested in their history.

In this blog, I will outline some facts about dice, tips for using them and links to resources.

Did you know the dots on dice are known as ‘pips’? Read on for more facts about dice and tips for using them in learning games.

Top Tips

Choosing Dice

As well as the traditional 6-sided die, dice come in a range of materials, shapes with varying numbers of faces and corresponding pips, numbers or symbols.
Materials: I bought my favourite set of dice while teaching in Cambodia, they are hand made in colourful cotton. Large and soft enough to play with indoors and outdoors and perfect for younger children. While working in a volunteer team in the Maldives, we produced a resource pack of dice games for schools and the teachers made dice using offcuts of wood. While I generally prefer natural materials for learning resources, in the case of dice I find plastic is a good choice – it’s durable and easy to clean. The colourful, transparent dice are attractive to children. Interestingly, did you know casinos often use transparent dice to show that they are not loaded?

Shapes and Numbers

As well as the standard traditional six-sided cube with dots (pips), there are other common shapes and numbers available, including:
– tetrahedron (4 faces)
– octahedron (8 faces)
– pentagonal trapezohedron (10 faces)
– dodecahedron (12 faces)
– icosahedron (20 faces).

Traditional dice with dots enable children to practise the important skill of subitising, (learning to visualise numbers and recognise amounts without counting). Dice with numerals are also useful for number recognition. Having dice including zero and / or with numbers up to twelve is good for times tables games.

– Add stickers to cover existing numbers and make the numbers lower or higher.
– Make your own dice using net templates (see download link below).
– Order custom dice.
– For visually impaired learners tactile dice can be made or purchased.

D-eyes! maker and photographer unknown

Tips for Playing Dice Games

Remote Teaching?

Use an online random dice generator: allows you to choose any number of dice to roll, vary the numbers of sides on the dice and find the sum and product. has a fantastic range of dice, including a shaker and my favourite, the pop-up die.

Ideas and Resources

Dice are just random generators; as well as numbers they can also feature words or pictures making them a valuable tool for a range of activities and subjects. For example, the My Amazing Monster resource pack I created uses dice to generate a monster name as a phonics activity and to select story elements for a creative writing exercise.
However, the area where dice really shine is in mathematics. There are so many games that can be played where maths skills can be sneaked in almost without students noticing!

When I started online tutoring in 2020, I incorporated lots of dice games into sessions as they made great starters, brain breaks or upbeat ways to end lessons. Now that I am delivering tuition in schools I have continued to use them; finding and adapting more games along the way. I have compiled the games I found, adapted and created into a document for easy reference. It can be cropped into 30 cards for easy reference, perfect for giving to adults working with a group in class. As well as simple instructions, the cards have suggestions for variations to make games simpler or more challenging to meet the needs of students.
Skills include: calculation using all four operations, comparing numbers, place value, doubling, odd and even numbers, times tables, square numbers, number bonds, probability, rounding, power of 10, negative numbers, fractions, sequences, area and perimeter.

To purchase the Roll, Play! dice games pack go to your chosen store, Teachers pay Teachers or Tes from the links on the home page.

Top of the Pips – for the fact fans!


Check out the Teachers Telling Tales Pinterest board for these and additional links / ideas.

Dice Games:

Make your own dice:
Tactile dice for visually impaired:,
Online dice:,

Facts about Dice:

Pollution Peril, a fishy tale!

An interactive story to illustrate water pollution and its impacts

I came across this fantastic idea while working as an environmental educator in Belize, (see references below). I went on to share it with educators and students I worked with in the Philippines and Fiji Islands as I love how it actively engages students in telling the story and provides a strong visual impression of the problem. I have since updated it with Causes and Consequences cards and photographs to make the instructions clearer.

The story involves a fish travelling from its home through connected ecosystems and encountering different sources of water pollution in each. Substances like soil and soy sauce are added to the water to represent the pollutants and students consider the effect on the fish. At the end they discuss whether the fish will survive and whether it would be safe to eat it, making the link to how pollution also effects humans. A great follow up activity is asking the students to the to remove the pollutants from the water. Other ideas could be exploring how to prevent pollution at source or creating a story map.

If you would like a free download of the lesson plan including instructions, cards and editable scripts go to one of the Teachers Telling Tales online stores:

Teachers pay Teachers


screenshots of some of the files included in the free pack


This activity is adapted from ‘Fishy Tales’ lesson in the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Systems (MBRS) Project guide for primary schools. They cite their source as: Utah Lesson Plans, adapted from Chilton-Stringham, P., Wolanin, J., (1995). Water, Stones, and Fossil Bones. “Fred the Fish.”


To dive deeper into the vocabulary linked to water pollution, take a look at an example of a quiz on Quizlet

Adapting to Digital Learning, try Easel by TpT

A child with a laptop on the sofa and title: Adapt to digital learning, it's easy with Easel.
A picture of a child on a sofa with a laptop. Text reads: Adapt to digital learning? It's easy with Easel!

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Have you used Easel by Teachers pay Teachers for distance or digital learning? Although I taught remotely from January to July and share resources on TpT, I didn’t start to explore Easel by TpT until the summer holidays. I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to use and impressed with its potential to create engaging resources.

Having spent a great deal of time searching for suitable resources and adapting them for online teaching, I was interested to see how Easel could make this process more effective and streamlined.

Some screenshots from my online sessions this year.

(see below for links to updates of these resources)

How Easel by TpT works:

Creating and Converting Resources.
Easel is a simple and straightforward way to create or convert worksheets or assessments. Simply upload a PDF or create a blank page, then add images, and text instructions. You can then add movable objects (words or images) or answer boxes. Students can annotate using type, pen and highlight tools. As work is set individually, it’s great for differentiation. For live lessons, it is possible to use the ‘view as pupil’ preview mode as a digital whiteboard through screen sharing.

If you share resources on TpT, you’ll see that there is the option to opt in PDF files.
For documents within a zip file you need to add Easel files, I tried and it’s easy to do.
I recommend watching this video and having a go!

Sourcing Resources
There are thousands of ready-made Easel activities and assessments listed on TpT, you can tick the box to filter for these in your search. You will see a tick and ‘Easel activity’ when you select a resource in the format section. You can customise the files to suit your needs.

Will Digital Learning Decline Alongside Covid?

Are Easel resources likely to become redundant as we recover from the pandemic?

I don’t think so. Of course, we’re all hoping for face-to-face teaching in the future, but should we need to teach remotely again, we will be so much better prepared. It’s certainly worth selecting resources that have Easel files in case. This article outlines how it is a good idea to have parallel plans; the in class resources and a parallel set in case learning needs to be completed at home.
Digital resources also have so much potential for use in a range of circumstances such as for homework, to be completed on tablets or computers in class (this may make learning more accessible for some children), for tutoring and sending work home.

If you would like ideas for teaching online and using Easel, you may find this blog helpful.

If you’d like to try out some Easel activities, here are some of my free ones, (links below):

Free Resources with Easel Files

All of these free activities have linked paid resources, many of which now have been updated with Easel files.

Updated Resources with Easel Files

Links to Resources:

New Resources with Easel Files

I am currently in the process of polishing the resources I created for online teaching to share; where relevant I will try to create Easel versions for all new resources.
Here are the first batch I’ve uploaded: Monster Balloon Party games, My Amazing Monster literacy lesson, Little Monster Balloon Party games, Count the Coins challenges, Place Value Problems,.

I’d love to know your experiences with Easel and online learning. Please share your thoughts or tips in the comments.

Teachers pay Teachers Tips

If you’re new to TpT, there’s a few features it’s good to know about:

  • Follow stores. Many (like Teachers Telling Tales!) discount new resources by up to 20% when they are first uploaded.
  • Earn credit. After trying a resource leave a review to earn credits for future purchases. (It also brings a big smile to the face of the creator and may even prompt a happy dance!)
  • Subscribe to the newsletter. It comes every Sunday with 10 freebies, links to blogs and details of any sales (which happen quite often).

A ‘How to’ for Teaching Homophones: tips and tools

Question: Which fruit sounds like it should come in twos? Answer: Pears!

I have been planning lessons for the UK National Tutoring Programme which has been put in place to help students catch up with some of the curriculum content they may have missed due to Covid19. For one cohort of students my focus is on spelling.
Homophones feature prominently in the UK spelling guidance, (see link below), beginning in Year 2 and continuing through to Years 5 and 6 (age 10-11). They can be very confusing, so I decided to look into how to support students with learning them.

What is a Homophone?

The word homophone comes from two Greek words that have been put together – homo meaning ‘same and and phone meaning ‘sound’. Put simply, they words that sound the same, but with different meanings and spellings.

While there are many pairs of homophones, there are some with multiple words, for example, the commonly confused to, two and too.

 What did one homophone say to comfort the other homophone?

Their, there, they’re.

Resource Development

I was really inspired by the wonderful images created by Bruce Holden in his blog, Homophones, Weakly and had so much fun creating my own pairs of images in a similar style. As I wanted to use the images to engage children, I added the jigsaw element and bright colours then created versions without words for quiz activities.

A banner showing pictures to represent pairs of homophones, e.g.which witch.
Can you guess all the homophone puzzle pairs? Image by Teachers Telling Tales.

Resource Aims:

  • To engage children and make learning fun
  • To succeed in helping children with spelling

To make lessons enjoyable, they use quiz and games formats. Homophones are also great for incorporating humour in the form of jokes, riddles and tongue twisters. To give children the tools to support spelling, I built in mnemonic activities.


A mnemonic is a tool for remembering. There are lots of these for spelling including acrostics, small words in big words, rules and so on.

Creating a visual image can help with recall. As well as sharing mnemonics, creating them is a powerful way to fix them in the mind.

Resource Packs by Teachers Telling Tales

Pairs or Pears Homophone Games

Which Witch Homophones Quiz

Which Witch, by Teachers Telling Tales, presenter view

As I had created twenty pairs of images, I decided to split these into two quiz presentations so it would not be too long for students. There are two versions of the presentation:
Annotate, with just pictures. This is more challenging for spelling!
Label, where words are provided and can be dragged to the correct picture.
The introduction is tongue twisters and the activity at the end is to create a mnemonic.

You can purchase both resources together at a discount, available from Teachers Telling Tales online stores at:
Teachers Pay Teachers

Useful Links:

UK Statutory Guidance publications
Homophone resources (lists, jokes, riddles, quizzes, flash cards, worksheets and more

Socks Rock!

Any suggestions for songs by The Odd Socks?! Illustration Fiona Childs.

What are your favourite themes for projects?
I love project based learning with a theme that feeds into cross curricular exploration and ‘socks’ is one of my faves!
Socks are familiar to every student, everyone has their opinions about them and they lend themselves perfectly to creative and mathematical investigations and challenges.

An illustration demonstrating how a socks topic can help with teacher number concepts to young children.
illustration Fiona Childs, Teachers Telling Tales
An illustration of how a socks topic can be used to teach aspects of patterns.
illustration Fiona Childs, Teachers Telling Tales
Rhyme and word play examples related to socks (itsy bitsy spider socks, fox in socks, sock-topus)
illustration Fiona Childs, Teachers Telling Tales


As socks come in pairs they lend themselves to paired activities which, in turn, are great for deepening communication and collaboration skills. For example, designing a matching pair of socks using stickers and drawings to create a pattern. Students add elements to the design for their partner to match. To make it more challenging, students can describe what they are doing without their partner being able to see. It’s lots of fun!

Awareness and Wellbeing Days

There are two main international awareness days that use socks as a focus:
1. #oddsocksday on November 16th as part of Anti-Bullying Week. Learn more and download resources here:

2. #LotsOfSocksDay on Down Syndrome Day, 21st March. Learn more here:

Holding a Crazy Socks or Silly Socks Day has become popular for spirit days and for awareness and fund raising events as it’s a simple but fun way to get everyone involved.

Teaching Resources

I have had a lot of fun creating a range of resources inspired by socks using the themes listed above: patterns, counting, matching, design etc. As usual they are available from the tes online shop and Teachers Pay Teachers online store (see buttons on home page).
There’s a free pack and options to get all the packs in a bundle at a discounted price.

If you try them please remember to add a quick review and any pictures of the resources in action or finished work would be much appreciated!
For more patterns ideas follow this Pinterest board:

The Stay at Home Pigs

Updated November 2020

front cover

This story is dedicated to all the children and their families who stayed at home to prevent the spread of corona virus. Featuring the fairy tale favourites, it opens the discussion about how to keep safe. Just like may children, the three little pigs have decorated their homes with rainbows, signs and put teddies in the window. But will they listen to their mum’s advice when someone comes knocking at the door?
The story can be read on Issuu (see link in picture caption) and viewed or downloaded from this link:

Learning Resources

Resources linked to the story including making signs about keeping safe and healthy, matching objects from the story, a colouring page and an A4 PDF of the story are free to download from the Teachers Telling Tales online stores:

Teachers Pay Teachers:

I hope you enjoy the story and find the resources useful. Please share any artwork inspired by the story and share review the resources. Thanks, Fiona.

Update November 2020

Update November 2020

I am currently having to self isolate due to a positive test of one of the children in the class I’m working with and I have been recording video read-alouds of stories. I have created one for The Stay at Home Pigs as sadly, it is still relevant, at least in the UK where I am based now. Feel free to download if it’s useful to you too, or to make your own using the screen share option on Zoom or similar.

Hands up for Hygiene!

(updated September 2020)

Global Handwashing Day is an annual advocacy event linked to sustainable development goals. The theme for 2019 is Clean Hands For All and a quick glance and the facts and figures below show why this event is relevant to everyone.

In 2013, I conducted hand washing workshops in small schools in South Belize while volunteering with TIDE, a conservation and and development organisation. The ‘glitter germs’ part of the lesson was the highlight for the children, their eyes sparkled like the pretend germs on the hands when it was their turn to be sprinkled! It’s a well used and memorable way to demonstrate how germs spread from unwashed hands whether it’s through holding glitter in your hand and pretending to cough or sneeze, shaking hands and giving high fives or passing around a ‘contaminated’ pencil and asking each child to write their name with it. The children I worked with loved the challenge to remove all the glitter germs against the clock using either a paper towel, a bowl of water or water and soap. We also sang songs, played card games and had a quiz.

You can download the updated lesson plan with links to resources from the Teachers Telling Tales shop on (free download), or Teachers Pay Teachers store (also free).

Glitter = Litter! What’s the Alternative?

Back in 2013, I hadn’t considered the impact of glitter on the environment. When articles came out to raising the alarm, I’m sure many other teachers and parents shared my sadness at the realisation that this ‘magical’ substance was no longer something we could use guilt-free. There were no eco-friendly options available. The activity can also be done using a plant sprayer and coloured water for the sneeze demonstration and flour or glo germ kits. Good news if you are a fan of the glitter though, many companies have since rushed in to fill the dark void with sparkly options! Be aware that not all are as eco-friendly as others, here’s a helpful infographic to check.

More Resources and Links

A Visit From The Nurse

I’ve been sick the last couple of days and it has got me thinking about how illness or injury can cause anxiety. Even as adults we worry that it might be something serious at the same time as worrying about troubling a doctor in case it isn’t serious! For young children the experience can be overwhelming. 3-5 year olds I have taught have become very upset when told they needed to see the nurse at school. To overcome their fear we invited the school nurse to visit the class to reassure them.

It was simple to set up, we collected some soft toys and created common scenarios such as a scraped knee, bumped head, nosebleed and stomach ache for her to treat. The children watched intently and came up with suggestions for treatment. They enjoyed seeing and touching the things the nurse brought such as a hot water bottle, ice pack and sticky plasters. Soon all the teddies were feeling much better!

We didn’t have any problems with taking children at the nurse after that, but if children are still anxious, they could visit the nurse with the soft toys and a note to see the nurse help them in the medical room.

Following on from the lesson, children enjoyed exploring being nurses and doctors in a role play area, continuing to look after the toys and each other. This helps them to become familiar with medical equipment so it’s no longer scary.

Children love to care for their teddies with bandages and sticky plasters.


Editable sick or hurt scenarios available for free download from the tes shop or TpT store.

To encourage mark making and early writing, Teachers Telling Tales produced writing frames for children to fill in during doctor role play. After listening to their patient they mark / fill in the details and their prescription on the form.

Available from TES shop or TpT store

Flyaway Katie

“Flyaway Katie is about the ability we all have to change our mood and make ourselves feel happier. All you need is a bit of creativity and a lick of Paint!”

Author and Illustrator, Polly Dunbar

To check out the book, or purchase a copy, click on the image above

This gem of a book with its gorgeous illustrations is a fantastic resource for exploring feelings and how to manage them. It links colour beautifully with emotions as Katie transforms from feeling grey and all alone to flittery, fluttery, flighty and fizzling when she puts on her favourite clothes and paints herself in bright colours.


Flyaway Follow – Along

Children love listening to the story while looking at the pictures. To really engage them, develop their listening skills and involve them with the storytelling try using story element cards. TTT has created cards with the colours, body parts and clothes from the story. Children can hold up their card when they hear it mentioned in the story. This is a great way to introduce unfamiliar vocabulary and the cards can be used as a classroom resource or part of a display afterwards. Colouring an outline of Katie after the story or during a reread reinforces the vocabulary. You can get this resource here

Flyaway Feelings

Feelings can be overwhelming for young children. If you ask them to identify feelings they generally respond with happy and sad. This book can help them to identify and describe a wider range of emotions, for example, Katie is feeling bored and lonely at the start of the story. The way it visually links feelings to colours and through the fizzing patterns is also helpful. The story leads to discussion on how we can change our moods, supporting children with learning to manage their emotions. Through sharing the colours and clothes that make them happy in circle time activities children can learn that we like different things and get to know each other better. A great way to explore this further is to create a self portrait in the style of Flyaway Katie. Resources for these activities can be found here

Flyaway Creations

The colourful bird picture inspires Katie to have her magical adventure to change her mood. It is also fantastic inspiration for children to create their own art work. They could decorate birds to recreate the picture using colouring pencils, markers, paint, or collage, (see the butterfly below for detailed pattern work idea). Polly Dunbar created a beautiful bird mural with students in Singapore.

The fizzling patterns from the story can be recreated using a variety of brushes and texture stampers, stencils and cut out shapes. While some children will enjoy creating detailed patterns on birds, others will love the more messy approach of going outside, putting on a rain poncho and splattering the colours! A pattern like this on a large sheet/roll of paper would make a great background to display self portraits or birds. Ideas and templates for these creations are available at Or, save and get all three Flyaway resources as bundle:

Teachers Telling Tales resource samples


Examples of resources for making fizzling patterns

You can create fizzling patterns with found objects around the home or class, but there can be great deals online. For example, at the the time of writing, the 42 piece set above is only £7.49.

Other Flyaway Ideas
This blog post by ‘Playing by the book’ has lovely ideas for parents/carers using Flyaway Katie such as making wings and a bird collage.

Children having fun painting themselves and lovely idea for creating birds and using pegs to display them.

I’d love to hear your Flyaway Katie ideas, please share in the comments or email me