I used to volunteer with Shark Savers Singapore, raising awareness about the conservation status of sharks and working towards reducing the demand for shark fin soup.
My first project was putting on a performance at a dive show with a collection of children, the youngest was three, so fortunately a couple of mums helped too! For simple costumes we used hoodies with fins constructed of felt and card stuck on. The teeth were really quick and easy, white felt cut into zig zags and stuck around the edge of the hood with double sided tape. The same idea was used for a youth dance group.

The fin design was developed so that it could be mass produced. Branding and messaging was added and it was worn by volunteers at events and given to the public to spread awareness.
As well as a glossy ‘leaflet’ style fin, blank templates were created for creative use. For example, in booths at shows with art materials as a competition to create a conservation message or given to students at schools after presentations to decorate with what they had learned.

To make your own fin there is a template in the downloads section or alternatively make your own. A simple DIY version I have used many times is to use a frozen pizza box. The card is a good thickness and strength and the side panel works well for the spine of the fin. One side can be painted or coloured.
If you make a shark costume please share your pictures!