This month …

Notes on Special Days Calendars
These include upcoming special days, weeks or months in the calendar.
So often I see events on the news or social media and wish I had known or remembered in advance. By creating a calendar I hope to keep track and prepare resources and activities to recognise and celebrate these dates.
There are so many special days, you could be taking part in all sorts of obscure and bizarre events every day if you chose to. For these calendars I’m selecting the ones most relevant to educators and parents.
Firstly, some internationally important days, here is what the UN have to say:
International days are occasions to educate the public on issues of concern, to mobilize political will and resources to address global problems, and to celebrate and reinforce achievements of humanity. The existence of international days predates the establishment of the United Nations, but the UN has embraced them as a powerful advocacy tool.
United Nations
Included in the area of advocacy and awareness raising are animal and environmental days, these give children the opportunity to learn more about our world and contribute to conservation efforts. Many special days are just for fun and deserve to be included, we should take the time to show gratitude for things that make us happy!
Regional Days
There is some variation around the world, but it seems that many national days are celebrated in other countries too. I will try to make the country clear in the case of national days.
Let me know if you think I’ve missed an important or interesting day that you think should be included or a useful link to information or resources.

Note: this file was updated on July 4th to add World Firefly Day and July 5th to add Malala Day and World Chocolate Day!