Crazy About Chameleons

Updated 3rd September 2020

What’s not to love …

  • The smallest is just 15mm, the largest around 68cm
  • Their tongues are 1.5 to 2x their body length and can shoot out and capture prey in less than a second.
  • Their eyes can rotate 360ยบ and look in different directions at the same time.
  • They can see in UV light.
  • Males may have facial ornamentation to make them more attractive.
  • And of course, they can change colour, although this is most often not as camouflage as commonly believed, but for communication (related to mood) or temperature regulation.

What do you call a group of chameleons?

Many animals have charming collective nouns, for example, a shiver of sharks or a romp of otters, but I wasn’t able to find one for chameleons. The closest is a lounge of lizards or a mess of iguanas. Here are my ideas:

The Mixed-Up Chameleon by Eric Carle

This charming picture book has had many a class giggling as the poor chameleon gets more and mixed-up as his wishes to be more like other animals come true.

As with the best children’s books, there is deeper learning beyond the funny story. I highly recommend reading this book module on using the story for exploring the philosophical dimensions of happiness, change and personal identity

Teaching Resources

The possibilities for fun learning inspired by the Eric Carle story and these amazing creatures are endless! I’ve had so much fun creating tens of chameleons with different patterns.

Themes in Teachers Telling Tales Chameleons resources

The Content Chameleon

This is a mini story and quiz in presentation form; the chameleon, no longer mixed-up returns to the zoo and has fun trying out animal patterns. Children guess which animals he visited, then complete colouring sheets featuring the chameleon and patterns.

Chameleons with animal patterns that feature in The Content Chameleon resource.

There are blank outlines for colouring, or tracing onto a plastic envelope for exploring pattern changing or hiding for a chameleon hunt.

You can download the resource from Tes:
or TpT:

Chameleon Camouflage

An interactive presentation where children choose which chameleon matches the picture (of jellybeans or Lego, for example), then drag it on top to make it disappear.

Chameleon Camouflage interactive presentation examples

Both resources have a free presentation with fascinating facts about chameleons, links to videos and child-friendly websites to find out more.
Tes shop:
TpT store:
The Crazy About Chameleons Bundle has The Content Chameleon, Chameleon Camouflage, Fascinating Facts presentation and a free maze.

If you try the resources, I’d love to hear about it!
Please share your feedback and suggestions. Thanks,